Cars break, parts don’t turn up, engine builder moved away... unforeseen circumstances do happen. So what options do you have:-
Change your car details to your daily driver or to a friend's car so you can still get out on the track for some awesome fun. You can change the entered vehicle but the entered driver must remain the same
Got no other car to drive? Then transfer your entry to spectator passes. For example, you paid $150 entry fee to enter your car, and spectator day passes for that event might be $30 for example, then we will give you day passes to the same or close to value of what you spent with us. This way you still get to come in and watch and you’re not completely out of pocket. Please contact our office before the event to request this or the entrant can do this in person at the event at the Accreditation office. Please note credit or spectator tickets cannot be transferred to another event.
Not able to come at all? Don’t have any friends you want to give or sell your passes to? That is a real bummer. For standard entrants a refund of the entry fee only less a $40 administration fee can be given (VIP is non-refundable sorry). We must receive the withdrawal of your entry from you (not your mum or your mate) in writing via email 14 days prior to the commencement of the event.
If you are a VIP Entrant, please discuss your options with our staff. VIP Entrants have a little more flexibility, VIP entry is transferable to another person for the same event, transfers MUST be done through the Powercruise office. The first transfer is free, any further transfers will incur a $50 transfer fee.
All the above options mean that we don’t need to keep your money, we are happy to see you getting value for your money in the best options as stated above, and you can always contact our office to work out the best way for you to get what you can for the fees paid if your circumstances have changed.
No refunds will be given for any reason from 2 weeks prior to the event. Entries are not transferable to credit.
Please read the Powercruise full Terms and Conditions which can be found in the "Event Info"Page of this website and also on the Powercruise Entry Forms.