NEW RULES relating to roll cages in cars for cruising at Powercruise. If your car does NOT have a roll cage, then this does not apply to your car.
Any car fitted with a roll cage no matter if it’s CAMS, ANDRA or any other approved method must have roll cage padding on all metal surfaces that are above the dash line of the car; in other words, wherever a person’s head might impact in the event of an accident will require roll cage padding fitted.
Soft padding MUST be used and must be about 10mm thick and secured to the metal bars. Drag racing approved SFI padding is NOT permitted as it is designed for a helmet to hit it.
Please also take note of the drawing below. If your vehicle is fitted with a cage that extends through the rear passenger area (as shown by the red lines) you are not allowed any passengers in the rear of your vehicle whether they have the required seat belts or not. If your cage follows the roof line of your vehicle please see the rules regarding seat belt requirements below. NEW RULES on seatbelts in cars fitted with roll cages now apply.
The main point here is if you have a cage, then you’re going to have a taxi bar and/or cross over the top bar fitted.
We cannot have anyone in the back seat of a vehicle with a roll cage that does not comply with the above seat belt regulations as, in the event of an accident, the rear seat passenger might hit their head on the taxi bar if they only have a LAP BELT on, so anyone in the back of a car fitted with a roll cage must always have a full Lap Sash seat belt fitted or they will not be permitted to go out in the cruise session.
See below Roll Cage Further Information and Diagram